Saturday, July 25, 2009

First Entry

Welcome! Everyone dreams - it's what sleep is all about. The psychological community will tell you that your subconscious acts out its problems/desires/questions in your dreams. When we're in REM, or Rapid Eye Movement, sleep - the deepest stage - the stage when our body heals itself, is when our dreams occur. Oh yeah? I beg to differ. Of course, anything is possible, but I do not believe that anyone can tell with absolute certainty exactly when or what we dream. Case in point: I had a "sleep study" done last year. I've been disabled for over 10 years with Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and INSOMNIA. I've been to neurologists, psychiatrists, phychologists, rheumatologists, family physicians, internists, and to two separate pain clinics. The most recent visit to the pain clinic, the doctor told me that I was "the poster child for sleep apnea". If that (sleep apnea) wasn't it, he couldn't help me. - Thus, the sleep study in a sleep clinic, which was interpreted by a sleep specialist. Nice fellow, but ultimately the considered opinion was that I had mild sleep apnea, and probably the CPAP machine used to combat the apnea would most likely keep me awake. Seems that my pain issues are waking me up. (Could have saved myself and the insurance company $3,500 - thank God I only had to pay 10% of that - and I'm STILL making payments on THAT foible!) I slept for a total of 168 minutes all night long, had more than 30 episodes of apnea (not breathing), the longest of which lasted 58 seconds. AT NO TIME did I enter REM stage sleep. Funny - I DID dream!

OK, I know you'll want to know more at this point (or I'm hoping you will, because what comes next is intriguing), but right now my muscles are beginning to SCREAM, so I'll have to continue later. Keep an open mind, and check back later....

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